Образовательный сайт Academic Earth представляет курсы видеолекций по разным предметам вузовского обучения (англ.) из ведущих университетов мира: Berkeley, Columbia, Harvard, Khan Academy, Maryland, Michigan, MIT, Norwich, NYU, Princeton, Stanford, UCLA, UNSW, USC, Yale.
С первого взгляда курсы видеолекций выглядят очень солидно. Например, вот список лекций из курса Введение в римскую архитектуру (доступно также на youtube)
Diana E E Kleiner Introduction to Roman Architecture
Introduction to Roman Architecture
The Founding of Rome and the Beginnings of Urbanism in Italy
Technology and Revolution in Roman Architecture
Civic, Commercial and Religious Buildings of Pompeii
Houses and Villas of Pompeii
Habitats at Herculaneum and Early Roman Interior Decoration
Painting Palaces and Villas in the First Century A.D.
Exploring Special Subjects on Pompeian Walls
Augustus Assembles Rome
Roman Tombs
Nero and His Architectural Legacy
The Colosseum and Contemporary Architecture in Rome
Imperial Palace on the Palatine Hill
Civic Architecture in Rome under Trajan
Hadrian's Pantheon and Tivoli Retreat
Roman Life in Ostia, the Port of Rome
The Baths of Caracalla
Roman North Africa: Timgad and Leptis Magna
Baroque Phenomenon in Roman Architecture
The Rebirth of Athens
Architecture of the Western Roman Empire
The Tetrarchic Renaissance
Rome of Constantine and a New Rome
Discovering the Roman Provinces and Designing a Roman City
Первая лекция:
Вот список видеолекций из курса Введение в психологию
Paul Bloom, Yale (смотрите также канал Yale Univ. на youtube)
Introduction to Psychology
Foundations: This is Your Brain
Sigmund Freud
Foundations: Skinner
What Is It Like to Be a Baby: The Development of Thought
How Do We Communicate?: Language in the Brain, Mouth and the Hands
Conscious of the Present; Conscious of the Past: Language (cont.); Vision and Memory
Conscious of the Present; Conscious of the Past: Vision and Memory (cont.)
Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Love (Guest Lecture by Professor Peter Salovey)
Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Evolution and Rationality
Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Emotions, Part I
Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Emotions, Part II
Why Are People Different?: Differences
Psychology, Sex, and Evolution
A Person in the World of People: Morality
A Person in the World of People: Self and Other, Part I
A Person in the World of People: Self and Other, Part II
What Happens When Things Go Wrong: Mental Illness, Part I
What Happens When Things Go Wrong: Mental Illness, Part II
The Good Life: Happiness